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Why create an atelier?

Updated: Oct 23, 2022

I thought I would give you an insight into why I wanted to create the current setup of the studio. So here goes!

As most people know I'm working towards launching a full bridal collection of my own, I’m possibly way behind schedule than I originally planned, but hey ho life happens! I will meet this new deadline as I feel more in the flow of things now.

When I saw my studio space I could envision what the space could be, it might have been a bit premature but I went for it as I knew there was a gap within the city of what I wanted to create, I knew the space could become so much more too. I wanted to create a place where brides come to enjoy this next stage in the comfort of somewhere which allowed them to bring in their bridal party, get additional bespoke items made for them and enable them to have another chapter in their bridal story leading up to the big day after leaving the bridal showrooms with their dream dress.

There isn’t a working studio in the city besides a Tailoring place, Cock of The Walk Bespoke Tailors who create some amazing tailored pieces and are Saville row trained — I love sketching up some tailored looks so who knows, maybe a collaboration could be on the cards in the future collections?!

One of the great things when altering other brands' dresses is that I gain first-hand market research into how items are being finished, sometimes I’m surprised if one finish is used over something I might have nominated, different finishes mean different costs after all! I might discover a slight tweak on something I hadn’t thought of and I can implement it in my engineering of a pattern or it might make me aware of a finish I don’t want to use on my items.

It’s nice to flex the skills and work with different fabrics and ultimately this side of the business does pay for the business needs right now until I’m up and running and selling my collection. This service will always remain, I will just be able to bring on board people to take over this area as the business steps.

What's your favorite part about the space, you say?

I love the fit sessions, it’s my favorite part of the atelier getting to talk to all of the amazing and diverse brides that come through my door. From hearing about their plans, coming in with their bridal party To making it an occasion whilst talking to them about ignoring their body concerns- I need to blog on this topic separately alone!

It's always a bittersweet moment waving the brides off on their last fitting date as you get to know them, but it's equally as rewarding seeing them in their dresses when the photos come through. Don't get me wrong sometimes it can be quite stressful altering some dresses as it's so much easier to make a dress from scratch than to alter one, but we get through it!

I’m often asked by people in the space if I’ll do womenswear and I will be doing some of this in the quieter months of the studio side of the business as having a space to create has opened up my creative side again and what's better then having something created just for you where you can come in, fit it and off you go.

If you're reading this and you're one of my beautiful brides that have been in the studio, thank you for being a part of the journey so far.

If you're a future bride waiting to come in, then I can't wait to hear all about your wedding in the fittings!

And for everyone else who is here to support me and has made it to this last sentence in the blog, thank you!



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